Donate through GiveIndia

We are listed on GiveIndia, an online donation platform that lists Indian charities scrutinized for transparency and credibility. Donate through GiveIndia here: 

Donate with a credit card at Instamojo here:

Donate through Instamojo

Donate with cheque or demand draft

Name on cheque: Akhanda Seva for Internationa Shanti 

Please send your cheque or demand draft in rupees to our mailing/posting address:

Operation Shanti
c/o Anu’s Cafe
#367 2nd Main, Gokulam 3rd Stage
Mysore, Karnataka 570002

Donate via online bank transfers (NEFT) only within India

Account name: Akhanda Seva for International Shanti
Bank: Canara Bank, NRI Branch
Account number: 2309101001439
IFSC: CNRB0002309